Apex Legends: Community’s Hilarious Reaction to a Controversial Skin

The Apex Legends community goes wild over a divisive skin. Find out why in this uproarious post!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Apex Legends community recently erupted in chaos over a controversial skin, with reactions ranging from bewilderment to amusement.


  • Users are split between loving and hating the skin.
  • Some find the design perplexing, while others see humor in it.
  • Reactions range from shock to amusement, with a touch of disbelief.

Love it or Hate it?

The community’s reactions were as divisive as the skin itself. Some users expressed sheer delight, hailing it as a stroke of genius in cosmetic design, while others were left scratching their heads, wondering what the developers were thinking.

Controversy Strikes

One user quipped, “… can we **not** talk about it and pretend it never existed?” reflecting a sentiment shared by many who found the design questionable at best.

The Humor Amid Chaos

Amid the chaos, humor prevailed, with users making witty remarks and humorous observations about the skin. From references to fast food aftermaths to charges and plugs, the community found a way to see the lighter side of the situation.