Apex Legends: Denying Wattson’s Door Trick Delight

Discover the joy and frustration as players navigate Wattson's infamous door trick in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players have been discussing the joy of denying Wattson players the opportunity to use their door trick. As part of a subreddit conversation around strategic gameplay, users share their experiences and thoughts on the matter, revealing both amusement and frustration.


  • Players find joy in outsmarting Wattson mains using the door trick.
  • Some suggest alternative strategies to make the trick more effective.
  • There’s a mix of admiration and amusement for Wattson enthusiasts.

Outsmarting Wattson

Some players find immense pleasure in thwarting Wattson mains who rely on the door trick for defense. The trick involves placing nodes strategically near doors to bait opponents into revealing their positions. A user jokingly remarks how Wattson streamers often struggle to comprehend their trap being easily countered.

Strategic Suggestions

Others share strategies on enhancing the door trick’s effectiveness, suggesting ways to mask nodes behind objects or deploy them in less obvious locations. This highlights the evolving tactics within the Apex Legends community and the desire for strategic depth.

Community Reactions

Community members express a mix of emotions, from laughter at successfully denying Wattson players to respect for those who attempt creative tactics. The discussions showcase the diverse perspectives and playful interactions within the game’s player base.

As players continue to explore new strategies and countermeasures, the dynamic gameplay of Apex Legends remains engaging and unpredictable. The joy of outsmarting opponents and adapting to evolving tactics adds excitement to each match, creating memorable moments that define the game’s unique appeal.