Apex Legends: First Game Champions Stir Controversy in Subreddit

The Apex Legends subreddit erupted over players questioning the competition in their first match.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players were left bewildered after their initial game featured unexpected champions, sparking heated reactions online. The winning squad raised doubts and fueled debates among the community.


  • Players express frustration over facing formidable opponents in normas matches
  • Debate sparks over potential ranking, cheating, and game balance issues
  • Some players criticize the current state of regular gameplay and SBMM implementation
  • Community divided on the topic of fair matchmaking and competition within the game

Challenges of Casual Play

The contentious post highlighted a recurring issue faced by casual players entering matches only to encounter highly skilled opponents. One user argued, ‘The game chooses when you have fun and when you don’t.’ This sentiment resonated with many, pointing fingers at the impact of skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) and its effects on player experience.

Cheating Allegations

Amidst the uproar, accusations of cheating surfaced as users speculated on the legitimacy of the champions’ victories. A player pointed out, ‘if it reassures you, there’s a high chance they’re cheaters.’ The community’s distrust in the integrity of the competitive scene highlighted broader concerns of fair play and the prevalence of hacks in the game.

Community Discord

The rift in opinions was evident, with some voicing resignation to the current state of affairs. ‘More and more regular players are leaving the game,’ one comment lamented, predicting a downward trend in player retention. The divide between those accepting the status quo and others calling for change underscored the community’s ongoing struggle for a balanced and enjoyable gaming experience.

The online uproar in the Apex Legends subreddit reflects a deeper issue within the gaming community, where players grapple with the balance between competitive integrity and casual enjoyment. The debate surrounding matchmaking systems, cheating allegations, and player retention signifies a broader discourse on the evolving landscape of online multiplayer games. As players continue to voice their concerns and experiences, the developers face mounting pressure to address these issues and uphold the spirit of fair competition within the game.