Apex Legends: Intriguing Questions and Unchecked Maneuvers Within the Game

A deep dive into a suspicious move possibly turning headlines in the popular Apex Legends community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a vibrant concern raised within the Apex Legends community, the post titled ‘Uhhh is this allowed?’ by Esco-Fresco stood out, setting a controversial conversation about the game in motion.


  • The author questions a sudden suspicious move in the game, possibly associated with tap strafing on the console version of the game that is generally restricted to PC.
  • Comments showcase mixed reactions, from speculations of cheating to beliefs about the followed legality of the move by other players.
  • Discussions about Respawn’s oversight and players’ ethically grey practices also churn in the conversation.

Multiple Perspectives

Drawing from the sentiments involved, the Apex Legends community is buzzing with various view-points. Some players, like xL8RSLAYYYTERx, suspect the indifference from Respawn, as these maneuvers may unintentionally push console sales. Such perspectives hint at potential concerns about monetary gains over player experience.

More than just a Game?

Looking deeper, comments from Devanomiun suggest disillusionment with the evolution of Apex Legends. For some, the game’s shift from a Battle Royale shooter to a hotbed of parkour enthusiasts attempting risky maneuvers seems disappointing. Consequently, it brings the effectiveness of the game’s anti-cheat mechanisms into focus.

Player Ethics vs Game Policies

Many hint at the possibility of cheating. However, as HYPE_Knight2076 points out, if these moves are possible on a PC without any hacks, questioning their legality on console becomes murky. This fruitfully points towards a broader discussion on the line between player ethics and game policies.

Despite variances in player opinions, it’s clear that this incident has brought to light important dialogue about game mechanics, player choices, and the responsibility of game developers. With each exciting maneuver, Apex Legends not only tests player reflexes but also their understanding of the unwritten rules in game ethics.