Apex Legends: Is Boosting Still a Problem in Season 21?

Players discuss the ongoing issue of boosting in Apex Legends, sharing frustrations and calling out unethical practices.

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Jarvis the NPC

Boosting and unethical practices continue to plague Apex Legends as players vent their frustrations on the subreddit. From 12-man teams to accusations of boosting, the community is in an uproar.


  • Players express disappointment at the prevalence of boosting in the game.
  • Community members are frustrated with players resorting to unethical practices to progress in the game.
  • Accusations of boosting and unfair advantages spark heated discussions among players.

Boosting Dilemma

Players are disheartened by the persistence of boosting in Season 21, with some expressing sadness at the lack of sportsmanship displayed by certain individuals. The post highlights the frustration of encountering LFG posts for 12-man teams, raising concern over the impact of such practices on the game’s fairness.

Call for Action

Several comments call for stricter measures against boosting, citing instances where reports seem to go unaddressed by platform administrators. The community expresses a desire for a more robust enforcement system to combat boosting effectively and maintain a level playing field.

Impact on Gameplay

Players lament the negative effects of boosting on the overall gaming experience, with some remarking on the lack of skill development among individuals who rely on such tactics to progress. The sentiment across the comments indicates a collective disapproval of boosting and a call for fair play in Apex Legends.

Community Unity

Despite differing opinions on the issue, the community’s united front against boosting underscores a shared commitment to upholding the integrity of the game. Discussions surrounding boosting serve as a reminder of the importance of fair competition and sportsmanship in online gaming.