Apex Legends: Loba’s Ult Drama – Why Are Loba Mains Getting Yelled At?

Loba mains face frustration as teammates trigger ultimate chaos. Discover why they are under fire in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has a new drama unfolding among Loba mains. The frustration seems to stem from teammates triggering ultimate chaos by taking locked items from Loba’s ult.


  • Loba mains face backlash from teammates due to ult item chaos caused by locked items being taken.
  • Teammates argue over the collapse of Loba’s ult, shifting blame and creating tension.
  • Many players express confusion over the mechanics of locked items and their interaction with Loba’s ultimate ability.

Loba Mains’ Frustration

Loba mains like OxyCottonCandie are fed up with being blamed when teammates trigger chaos by taking locked items from their ult. The collapse of the ult leads to tense situations where blame is shifted unfairly.

Confusion Among Players

Some players, like throwaway2938468235, express surprise at the mechanics, indicating a lack of awareness among the community about how locked items work with Loba’s ult.

Feedback on Game Design

Comments from PreciousMilkshake highlight players’ desire for improvements in Loba’s mechanics, suggesting that the issues have persisted for a significant period of time.