Apex Legends: Nostalgia for the Early Seasons

Exploring the sentimental journey of Apex Legends players as they reminisce about the game's early days.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players reminisce about the early days of the game, missing the simplicity and nostalgia of the pre-season to season 1 era. From map locations to favorite legends, the sentiment is clear – the early days hold a special place in their hearts.


  • Players express a strong sense of nostalgia for the early seasons of Apex Legends, particularly the pre-season and season 1 era.
  • The sentiment revolves around the simplicity, freshness, and vivid visuals of the game during its infancy.
  • Many players highlight the sense of community and bonding they experienced during the early days of Apex Legends.
  • While some long for the past, others acknowledge the game’s evolution and the competitiveness that has arisen over time.

Players’ Sentiments

Sea_Fortune_3204 reminisces that the original Apex ran smoother spec-wise. Altruistic_Sock1289 humorously notes the shift from everyone sucking to everyone getting better. Formal-Cry7565 laments the intrusion of standard matchmaking systems in gaming. SaltySnowman8 reflects on the chaos of Season 0, highlighting past imbalances.

Nostalgia & Longing

IMAsko0 fondly recalls missing the ‘OG R99,’ while Impossible_Drag2919 cherishes the simplicity and thrill of early victories. lmtzless expresses an outright obsession with Apex upon its release. Reggie2b2t suggests that nostalgia may transcend the actual gameplay experience.

Evolution & Realization

LordWitherhoard acknowledges that the game has changed over time and lost its initial charm. ShonenGoon appreciates the gameplay mechanics of Apex but acknowledges the steep competition. ilmk9396 fondly remembers the rarity of controllers on PC during the game’s early days.

The sentiments shared by Apex Legends players reveal a mix of fond nostalgia for the game’s early seasons and a subtle acknowledgment of its evolution. While the simplicity, community, and excitement of the pre-season to season 1 era are dearly missed, players also reflect on the progression and competitive nature that now define Apex Legends. The journey from humble beginnings to the current state reflects the sentiment of a community that has grown alongside its favorite battle royale game, holding onto precious memories while embracing the changes that come with time.