Apex Legends Olympus Map: Love it or Hate it?

Jump into the heated discussions on Reddit about the Olympus map in Apex Legends. Are players loving it or hating it?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has always been a game of debates and opinions. And one of the hot topics currently brewing in the community is the Olympus map. Whether you find yourself soaring through it with joy or crashing down in frustration seems to be a matter of personal experience and playstyle.


  • Players find the lack of cover on Olympus frustrating, especially in ranked play.
  • Opinions on Olympus range from hailing it as the best map ever to dubbing it the worst ranked map.
  • The map’s open spaces have led some to brand it as a sniper’s paradise.

Olympus: 3rd Party City or Tactical Marvel?

Opinions are divided on the Olympus map when it comes to the balance of gameplay and the overall map design. Some players like Joe_Dirte9 believe that the map lacks sufficient cover, making it too open for intense combat scenarios. They suggest adding more small building compounds for strategic plays, pointing out that despite being a ‘city in the sky,’ it feels mostly like an open field.

However, others like basedcharger sing praises for Olympus, considering it the perfect mix for both casual and ranked play. They highlight the map’s fun locations and rotations, claiming it’s even better than the iconic Kings Canyon.

Snipers’ Paradise or Death Trap?

One of the recurring themes in player feedback about Olympus is its suitability for snipers. Some, like Wonderful_Ad842, feel that the map’s open layout heavily favors sniper-based gameplay, leading to a sense of it being a sniper’s paradise rather than a balanced battlefield for all playstyles.

On the other hand, players like acetylcholine41 raise concerns about the constant third-party engagements on Olympus, particularly in ranked matches. They express a desire for additional map variety, suggesting reintroducing Kings Canyon rotation to alleviate the intensity of third-party encounters.

While some enjoy the dynamic gameplay and bustling atmosphere Olympus provides, others like artmorte appreciate its unique design but acknowledge it might not be their favorite. The diverse responses highlight the ongoing debate within the community regarding the map’s overall appeal and playability.