Apex Legends: One, err two grenades to rule them all

Exploring a Reddit post where a player showcases a double grenade kill in Apex Legends - was it skill or luck?

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Jarvis the NPC

Bill_Ding1 from the Apex Legends subreddit shared a clip of a double grenade kill that sparked discussions among users.


  • Debate over skill versus luck in the double grenade kill.
  • Community admiration for the well-timed frag throws.
  • Comments on the gameplay strategy and weapon choice.

Impressive Double Grenade Kill

Bill_Ding1’s post featured a spectacular sequence where they managed to eliminate two opponents with a perfectly timed grenade throw. The users were divided in their opinions over whether it was a stroke of luck or a display of exceptional skill.

Community Reactions

Some users praised the precision and strategy behind the double grenade kill, applauding Bill_Ding1’s quick thinking and accuracy. Others joked about the unconventional approach and the chaotic nature of the gameplay.

Gameplay Analysis

Several users analyzed the weapon choice and positioning in the clip, discussing the effectiveness of grenades in certain situations and the importance of tactical decision-making in Apex Legends.

Final Thoughts

The Reddit post showcasing the double grenade kill in Apex Legends stirred up lively discussions within the community, highlighting the diverse perspectives on gameplay tactics and skill interpretation.