Apex Legends: Player Backlash Against a Multibillion Dollar Company

Players voice frustrations with a big company's handling of Apex Legends. Is the game in trouble?

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Apex Legends community are expressing discontent with the recent actions of a big company behind the game. Comments in a Reddit post shed light on the community’s sentiments.


  • Players are frustrated with recurring issues in Apex Legends
  • The community questions the competency of the company behind the game
  • Suggestions for improvements vary, from bug fixes to server stability

Disgruntled Players

Comments reflect a mix of disappointment and anger towards the company’s handling of the game. “The bugs in this game make zero sense,” one player lamented, highlighting a prevalent frustration with ongoing issues. Another player sarcastically remarked, “Servers are ass, fuck EA,” pointing fingers at the company’s server performance

Lack of Communication

Several players expressed frustration with the lack of communication from the company regarding fixes and updates. “Not even surprised anymore,” one player stated, highlighting a sense of resignation towards the company’s perceived silence

Alternative Perspectives

However, not all comments were negative. Some players shared positive experiences and suggested trying out new content. “Have you considered buying the new bundle? I heard it includes a matchmaking fix,” one player recommended, showcasing a different viewpoint

Overall, the Apex Legends community appears divided in its sentiments, with some players vocalizing frustration while others remain hopeful for improvements