Apex Legends Players Confused by Missing Event Packs: A Deeper Dive

Unraveling the mystery of disappearing event packs in Apex Legends - fans speak out!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the popular game Apex Legends, numerous players have expressed their confusion and disappointment over the sudden disappearance of event packs. An example of these sentiments comes from a post made by player PapaBear_-_, who found that despite saving up a significant amount of gil (the in-game currency), they were unable to make any purchases in the event shop.


  • Many players reported the same absence of event packs, indicating a possible widespread issue
  • Some users found temporary solutions such as restarting the game
  • Other players provided additional insight, noting that event packs may be subject to regional restrictions due to gambling laws

Player Reactions

Comments on the matter ranged from shared frustration to cynical amusement. User TheTerminator200 sympathized with PapaBear_-_’s situation, noting ‘Same thing showing up for me too, probs a bug’. Another player, DeepCutxx, expressed disbelief that the developers could fail at something as simple as maintaining the store rotation.

Player Solutions

Despite the overarching bafflement, some users offered potential solutions. CrypticlChaos reported that the event packs returned after they simply took a break to play a few games, suggesting that the problem might self-correct over time. In another comment, RANDOM_PLAYER64 suggested a classic tech fix: ‘Restart the game’.

Possible Explanations

Not all comments were focused on the problem at hand. A more global perspective was offered by Asryal23, who highlighted an oft-overlooked fact: certain countries prohibit loot boxes (which event packs constitute) due to gambling laws. This could potentially explain the seeming disappearances for some users. As always, the truth is perhaps more complex than it initially appears.

It’s clear that this issue caught many players off guard, leaving them frustrated and bemused. But, in true gaming community spirit, everyone’s chipping in with their own theories and solutions – even if it takes some trial, error, and a few refreshes. It seems the mystery of the missing event packs will continue to unfold!