Apex Legends: Players Express Frustration with World’s Edge in Ranked

Apex Legends players are tired of playing World's Edge in ranked and are calling for map changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players have voiced their frustration with the constant presence of World’s Edge in ranked matches. The sentiment seems to be leaning towards exhaustion with the map rotation, with players craving variety and change.


  • Players are fatigued by the repetitive nature of playing World’s Edge in ranked.
  • Many express a desire for map rotations that include more variety and newer content.
  • Some suggest reworks for existing maps like World’s Edge to keep the gameplay experience fresh.

Player Frustrations

The post author, Turtle_Hermit_54, sets the tone by expressing their weariness with World’s Edge, emphasizing the need for a change to reignite their interest in the map. Other players echo this sentiment, with comments reflecting a longing for different environments and gameplay experiences.

Lack of Variety

Several comments highlight the perceived staleness of World’s Edge in the ranked rotation, pushing for the inclusion of maps like Kings Canyon and Olympus to mix things up. The consensus is that a broader map pool would enhance the overall gaming experience.

Desire for Change

Players like YoogleFoogle and VarrenKasul express agreement with the sentiment that World’s Edge has overstayed its welcome in the ranked playlist, advocating for its temporary removal to introduce fresh gameplay dynamics. The community seems eager for shifts that will inject new life into the game.

The discussion around World’s Edge in ranked matches showcases a collective desire for change and variety in Apex Legends gameplay. As players seek new challenges and experiences, the call for map rotations that cater to diverse preferences grows louder. The developers may need to consider adjusting the map rotations to keep the player base engaged and excited about the evolving landscape of the game.