Apex Legends’ Players Speak Out: Unrestricted Healing Power of Conduit, Time For A Change?

Delve into Apex Legends' players discourse on the seemingly overpowering tactical abilities of the legend, Conduit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends’ online gaming community is currently engaging in a lively discussion about the tactical abilities of the legend, Conduit. The main focus of their grievances appeared to be around her wall heal hack and the unforeseeable empowerment of other legends from an unknown location.


  • Many players find the unspecified range of Conduit’s healing ability problematic, and potentially game-breaking.
  • Comparisons are drawn between the healing capabilities of Lifeline and Conduit, with a clear bias towards the perceived imbalance.
  • Some users enumerated that nearly every combat engagement they have involves a Conduit, alluding to her current dominance within the game.

A Deeper Look

Agnostic_Akuma suggests that there ought to be a cap at 50 for shield regen. They also lament the lack of audio/visual cues when opponents are healed, leading to frustrating combat scenarios. In another observation, Underhive_Art lays out detailed reasoning why they believe Conduit’s healing capabilities outpace Lifeline’s, primarily due to range and tactical flexibility.

Feeling Overpowered?

Getting to the heart of the matter, Little_Safety_5324 professes how they, as an upper echelon player, see an overwhelming dominance of Conduit in their lobbies. Drawing from their experience, they outline how it almost mandates their own team to play Conduit — essentially feeling ‘forced’ to use the legend due to her tactical benefits.

Aligning Conduit with Other Legends

Striking a balance between Conduit and other Legends is a common concern among the player base. ThumblessThanos points out that the incorporation of mobility, area denial, and combat healing in Conduit’s single kit seems unjust when compared to other legends. They express that each capability isn’t overpowering on its own, but equipping a single legend with all these skills is a major imbalance.

While this myriad of opinions points towards a desired change in Conduit’s healing abilities by the Apex Legends community, it’s important to remember that behind every controller, keyboard or phone, lies a person with a unique perspective on the game. As with all things in life, finding a middle ground will likely serve the community best, keeping the game enjoyable for all who choose to take part in the Apex Games.