Apex Legends: Players Upset Over Performance Drop After Mid-Season Update

Players in Apex Legends express frustration over performance issues post-update, with some experiencing significant drops in FPS.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in Apex Legends are voicing their discontent with significant performance drop after the recent mid-season update. The update seems to have negatively impacted the game’s FPS, leaving many players frustrated with the deteriorating gameplay experience.


  • Players experiencing massive FPS drops post-mid-season update.
  • Community frustration amplified by server crashes and performance issues.
  • Several players report encountering game-breaking bugs like crashes and BSODs.

Players Share Their Frustrations

Several players express their frustration over the significant drop in FPS since the mid-season update. One user, ‘Pexd,’ describes the FPS performance as ‘straight garbage’ across the board. The consistency of the drop from 160 to as low as 50 FPS has left many players feeling disappointed and annoyed.

Server Reliability Concerns

‘ZorkFireStorm’ mentions the frequent server crashes, adding to the community’s frustration. The instability in the game’s servers has further exacerbated the negative sentiment among players, making the overall gameplay experience unsatisfactory.

Bugs and Technical Issues

Players like ‘EternalVirgin18’ and ‘KopyKatGames_Twitch’ report encountering game-breaking bugs such as blue screen of death and worsening ping. These technical issues not only disrupt the gameplay but also highlight major performance problems with the recent update.

Acknowledging the players’ grievances, ‘C17H23NO2’ stands out as one of the few unaffected players, enjoying a smooth gaming experience with no FPS drops. However, such positive reports are overshadowed by the overwhelming negativity expressed by the majority of the community.