Apex Legends Playtime and Ranking Revealed by Reddit Users

Discover how much playtime Apex Legends players have and their ranks through Reddit discussions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players have pulled back the curtain on their playtime and rankings, revealing some interesting insights. From Diamond 3 to rookie 2 and beyond, here’s a peek into the gaming lives of these dedicated players.


  • Players showcase varied playtimes and ranks, from Diamond to Platinum and even Silver.
  • Dedicated gamers strive to climb ranks despite challenges like long queue times.
  • Solo queuing and issues like game burnout impact players’ experiences and rankings.
  • Diverse player backgrounds add a unique flavor to the game, with some preferring casual play over ranked modes.

Diverse Playtimes, Varied Ranks

Apex Legends enthusiasts from all walks of life shared their playtime and ranks, painting a colorful picture of the game’s player base. Whether boasting about Diamond 3 achievements or sharing casual Silver status, each player brings their unique flair to the battlefield.

Climbing the Ranks Despite Challenges

Many players express the struggle of climbing ranks due to various factors. Some mention the lengthy grind it takes to ascend, while others attribute their rank fluctuations to issues like game burnout. Despite these challenges, their dedication to improving shines through.

Solo Queuing and Burnout Factors

A recurring theme among players is the choice to solo queue, highlighting both the independence and challenges this playstyle brings. Additionally, several players touch on experiencing burnout, leading to breaks from the game and eventual comebacks. These personal journeys shape their gameplay experiences.

The Reddit post offers a window into the diverse and passionate community that thrives within Apex Legends. As players navigate through ranks and game modes, each hour spent and rank achieved represents a unique chapter in their gaming story. From solo queuing to battling burnout, the player experiences highlighted in the post showcase the resilience and dedication that define the Apex Legends community.