Apex Legends Potential Fix for Game Freezing: Reddit Discussions

Discover a potential fix for Apex Legends game freezing from Reddit user abovnbyond8 and see how the community reacts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players have been grappling with game freezes post a recent update, seeking a potential fix. Reddit user abovnbyond8 suggests tweaking configuration settings in a videoconfig file. Users share their experiences and the efficacy of the solution.


  • Config adjustments may resolve Apex Legends freezing.
  • Some players report success after modifying settings.
  • Others still face issues despite the suggested fix.

Users’ Experiences

The Reddit post offers a potential solution to the freezing issues encountered by Apex Legends players. User hq_eperon attempted the fix but mentioned that the game continued to freeze despite making the recommended changes in the videoconfig file.

On the other hand, CharacterSharp7512 expressed gratitude towards abovnbyond8, confirming that the provided solution worked for them, indicating varied outcomes among players.

Player Feedback

One user, Pexd, dismissed the suggested fix, stating that it had no impact on resolving the game freezes, highlighting differing perspectives within the community.

Huge-Taste4522 shared an alternative approach of deleting specific folders to address the freezing issue, showcasing the diverse methods players are exploring to rectify the game’s performance issues.

Community Response

All_Eyez_On_U expressed frustration despite using different launch options, still experiencing freezes. This sentiment was echoed by Huge-Taste4522, who expressed dissatisfaction with the worsening gameplay experience post an update.

mohammed0106 and Fomoco74 shared contrasting experiences, with one confirming the fix worked in certain scenarios while the other continued to face freezing problems, reflecting the unpredictability of the solution.

The Apex Legends community is actively engaged in troubleshooting and sharing their experiences to enhance the gameplay experience. While some have found success with the proposed solution, others are still in search of effective remedies. As players navigate through technical challenges, their collective efforts contribute to a vibrant and dedicated community striving for optimal gaming experiences.