Apex Legends Ranked Guide: Wins Over Kills

Discover why players in Apex Legends debate between wins and kills in ranked matches.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends is a game that requires a balance between strategy, skill, and a solid understanding of the ranked system. A recent Reddit post titled “Guide to ranked for noobs – listen up” by user SALTY-BROWNBOY sparked a heated debate among players stuck in plat 4 about the best approach to ranked gameplay.


  • Understanding the importance of kills versus wins in ranked matches
  • Debating the effectiveness of playing aggressively for kills versus playing strategically for wins
  • The impact of game awareness on ranking up
  • The divide between casual players and competitive players in Apex Legends

Players’ Perspectives

Many players in the Reddit comments section shared differing opinions on the debate between wins and kills in ranked matches in Apex Legends. User Marmelado_ expressed frustration towards casual players in ranked matches, stating that kills are essential for reaching higher ranks like Diamond and beyond. On the other hand, user Weeb__Wacker argued that avoiding fights and playing passively can lead to disadvantages in higher ranks, emphasizing the importance of honing combat skills.

CynicalCharmer highlighted the significance of game awareness, emphasizing the importance of knowing when to engage in fights and when to disengage, pointing out that many players lack this crucial skill. MarvelsDomino acknowledged that not all players aim to play competitively and may prefer a more casual approach to the game.

Opposite_Mine_2011 humorously pointed out that some players may be influenced by streamers who achieve success in ranked matches as part of a coordinated team. X_Ender_X emphasized the importance of finding like-minded teammates, rather than imposing one’s playstyle on others. SeaResolve3115 discussed the value of kills at different stages of the game, noting the increasing reward for end-game kills compared to early-game eliminations.

The varying perspectives in the Reddit comments shed light on the ongoing debate within the Apex Legends community regarding the balance between securing wins and accumulating kills in the competitive ranked mode.