Apex Legends: Ranked Splits – Love It or Hate It?

Ranked splits in Apex Legends divide opinions among players. Is the challenge worth the frustration?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players seem divided on their feelings towards the ranked splits system…


  • The ranked splits in Apex Legends are a double-edged sword, offering both challenge and frustration to players.
  • Players often find themselves facing tougher opponents in lower ranks during the split, leading to dissatisfaction and struggles.
  • The system is seen by some as a way to maintain player engagement, while others believe it leads to burnout and decreased enjoyment.

Players’ Frustrations

Many players express dissatisfaction with the ranked splits, feeling frustrated with the mismatched skill levels in lobbies…

Engagement vs. Enjoyment

Some players see the ranked splits as a strategy to maintain engagement…

Rewards and Changes

Issues with rewards and suggestions for changes also come up in the discussion…