Apex Legends Season 21: Floating Textures Bug Explained

What's causing the floating textures bug in Apex Legends Season 21? Find out the hilarious responses from players!

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are puzzled by a strange bug in Season 21. Some users are encountering floating textures in the game, leading to a mix of confusion and amusement. Let’s dive into the Reddit post where players discuss this quirky issue.


  • Players are experiencing floating textures in Apex Legends Season 21.
  • The bug seems to be related to adaptive supersampling settings.
  • Some players find humor in the situation, attributing the issue to various amusing reasons like heat bending the air or just the acid.

Players’ Observations

One player, Truent-, shared, “I have the same bug however it’s only the top left part of my screen that does it.” This indicates that the floating textures bug may not be consistent for all players.

Community Solutions

DeadlySphinx advised, “Turn adaptive supersampling off. This started with the last patch.” It seems that adjusting graphics settings can potentially resolve this visual glitch in the game.

Humorous Perspectives

derbaus humorously commented, “It’s just the acid.” Players are taking a lighthearted approach to the issue, adding humor to their gaming experience.

Overall, the floating textures bug in Apex Legends Season 21 has sparked a mix of confusion, amusement, and creative explanations among players. While it may be a minor visual issue, the community’s humorous responses show their ability to find fun even in unexpected bugs within the game.