Apex Legends: Should There Be a Leave Match Penalty in Quads?

The debate rages on in the Apex Legends community - should there be consequences for leaving matches in quads?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Apex Legends, the discussion around the necessity of a leave match penalty in quads has ignited a fiery debate.


  • Players grapple with the frustration of teammates leaving matches early.
  • Some suggest penalties to deter premature exits.
  • Others argue against penalties in casual modes like quads.

Arguments For Leave Penalties

AnalystShort1331 points out the prevalence of early exits in all game modes, indicating a need for a change in behavior.

Fureniku proposes a penalty that aligns leaving with the end of the match to maintain wait times.

Arguments Against Leave Penalties

Steagle_Steagle vehemently opposes penalties in casual modes, labeling the idea as the worst take he’s heard.

Hydrangeabed highlights the culture of early exits but suggests understanding the player viewpoint.

ShamooXO argues that casual modes should remain penalty-free for a more relaxed gaming experience.

kittencloudcontrol insists on addressing matchmaking issues before considering penalties.