Apex Legends: Solo Jumping and Its Consequences – A Reddit Discussion

Reddit users discuss the frustrations of solo jumping in Apex Legends and its impact on gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are all too familiar with the frustrating experience of solo jumping, landing alone, and ultimately ruining the game for their squadmates. Jumping solo, looting, and abandoning the team has become a common issue in the game, prompting heated discussions among players on Reddit.


  • Solo dropping disrupts team dynamics and puts players at a disadvantage.
  • Some players defend solo jumpers, citing rare instances of success but acknowledge the overall negative impact.
  • The limited options for solo play in the game contribute to this behavior.

Players’ Perspective on Solo Jumping

One user shared a frustrating encounter in ranked where a teammate solo jumped to avoid looting, only to end up vulnerable and ineffective. The selfish nature of solo jumping was highlighted as detrimental to team play. Despite occasional success stories, the majority view it as a negative practice that undermines the collaborative aspect of the game.

Struggles of Finding Solo Play Options

Another player lamented the lack of solo modes in Apex Legends’ current format, forcing those seeking individual gameplay to disrupt team matches. The absence of dedicated solo queues pushes some to resort to disrupting team games, further exacerbating the issue.

The Perils of Solo Play

Players raised concerns about specific legends like Pathfinder, Revenant, Octane, and Wraith users in solo queues, citing selfish playstyles that hinder team coordination. The frustration with teammates who prioritize individual goals over team success reflects a common struggle in online gaming communities.

The debate on solo jumping in Apex Legends continues to divide players, with some advocating for stricter penalties for solo play disruptions, while others argue for more accommodating game modes. Finding a balance between individual agency and team dynamics remains a challenge in the ever-evolving landscape of battle royale gaming.