Apex Legends: The Conundrum of Early Disconnects in Quads

Are early disconnects ruining the fun in Apex Legends quads mode? Reddit users debate on penalties and player responsibilities.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever experienced the frustration of someone disconnecting right at the start of an Apex Legends quads match? This leads to a heated discussion on Reddit about whether there should be penalties for such behavior.


  • Community debates on whether early disconnects in Apex Legends quads warrant penalties.
  • Players call for teammate rating systems to address toxic behavior.
  • Opinions vary on the importance of winning versus having fun in casual modes.

Opinions on Penalties

One user expresses the need for penalties, highlighting the impact on team morale when a player disconnects immediately, handicapping the squad.

Player Responsibility

Another player suggests allowing teammates to rate each other to deter toxic behavior and improve match quality.

Importance of Winning

A contrasting view emphasizes that fun should also be a priority in casual play, not just focusing on winning at all costs.