Apex Legends: The Octane Dilemma – Are Some Legends Really Useless?

Are Octane mains really as useless as some players claim? Let's dive into the Octane debate in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has a bit of a legend dilemma on its hands – particularly with Octane mains hogging the spotlight. But are these claims warranted, or is there more to the Octane debate than meets the eye?


  • Octane may not be the issue; it’s the player’s skill that matters.
  • Letting players have fun should outweigh meta concerns.
  • Team synergy and communication can make any legend shine.

Decoding the Octane Dilemma

When it comes to the Octane debate, some players vent their frustration at the sheer number of Octane mains in ranked matches. User deko_pon pointedly urged players to pick legends more useful than Octane, citing numerous missed opportunities in fights due to poor Octane gameplay.

The Skill Factor

User MrBadCookies offers a different perspective, attributing Octane’s perceived uselessness to player skill rather than the legend itself. They argue that bad players will struggle regardless of the legend chosen, with Octane just magnifying their mistakes.

Fun vs. Meta

On the other end of the spectrum, user BlancLui advocates for letting players have fun, implying that player enjoyment should sometimes outweigh strict adherence to the meta or tier lists.

Team Play and Communication

Some users, like beansoncrayons, emphasize that there are no useless legends, only players who fail to utilize their chosen legend effectively. They highlight the importance of teamwork and communication in maximizing a legend’s potential.

As the Octane debate rages on, one thing is clear: legend choice is just one piece of the puzzle in Apex Legends. Ultimately, player skill, teamwork, and communication play far more significant roles in determining a match’s outcome than the legend selected.