Apex Legends: The Unstoppable New Bloodhound Buff Craze

Discover why players are losing it over the latest Bloodhound buff in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are all abuzz about the recent Bloodhound buff, and it’s causing quite a stir in the community. The changes…


  • Mixed reactions to Bloodhound’s new buff
  • Community divided on whether buff is game-changing or insignificant
  • Issues with server connection and hit registration raised

Players’ Frustrations

Many players expressed frustration with the server connection issues during gameplay, attributing them to missed shots and lag. Some players criticized the hit registration in Apex Legends, deeming it ‘terrible.’

Community Split

Opinions on the Bloodhound buff were divided, with some players praising the newfound strength it provides while others viewed it as unnecessary. The debate sparked discussions on game balance and developer decisions.

Humor Amidst Struggles

Despite the challenges faced, players found humor in the situation, joking about internet hamsters and quirky in-game experiences. Memes and light-hearted comments lightened the mood of the thread.

The uproar surrounding the Bloodhound buff in Apex Legends showcases the passionate community’s dedication and engagement with the game. Players continue to voice their opinions, raising concerns and sharing anecdotes, creating a lively discussion within the subreddit.