Apex Legends: Uncovering the Most Underrated Weapons in the Game

Discover the hidden gems among Apex Legends weapons with the community's take on the most underrated choices.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the often overlooked weapons in Apex Legends reveals some surprising picks that players swear by. Let’s dive into the discussion about the game’s most underrated armaments.


  • Community discussions highlight the L-Star and P2020 as potential dark horses in the weapon meta.
  • Personal success stories with less popular guns shed light on their underrated potential.
  • Debates arise on the balance between meta-dominant weapons and lesser-known choices.

L-Star: A Hidden Gem?

The L-Star receives both praise and skepticism from players, with some citing its unique benefits in close combat situations, while others see it as a last-resort weapon.

P2020: Unexpected Success

Despite its reputation as a starter gun, some players share tales of remarkable kills and early-game victories with the P2020, challenging its underrated status.

Meta Versus Underrated

The debate between meta-favored weapons like the Havoc and players’ hidden favorites sparks discussions on the game’s weapon balance and individual preferences.

Underrated Gems

Players call out a range of weapons from the CAR and Mastiff to the Bocek and Eva 8 as contenders for the title of most underrated, illustrating the diverse opinions within the community.

The diverse perspectives among Apex Legends players reveal a nuanced understanding of the game’s weapon system, showing that what may be underrated to some is a hidden gem to others. The discussions around underrated weapons showcase the complexity of player preferences and the ever-evolving meta in Apex Legends.