Apex Legends: What’s Your Favorite Weapon Loadout for Ballistic?

Discover the favored ballistic weapon loadouts in Apex Legends from dedicated players on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends offers players a diverse selection of weapons to craft their ideal loadout, catering to different playstyles and strategies. With the subreddit buzzing about favorite ballistic loadouts, let’s dive into the community’s top picks.


  • Players showcase a preference for a variety of loadouts tailored to specific situations.
  • The Alternator, RE45, R301, and Havoc emerge as popular choices for players.
  • Control settings spark curiosity among commenters, influencing their weapon selections.
  • Unique loadouts like running triple Mozambique or triple RE45 stand out among traditional choices.
  • nSpeedWagon’s Unique Loadout Choice

    nSpeedWagon suggests an unconventional loadout with triple Alternators, emphasizing its effectiveness with 26k Ballistic kills. The community debates the viability of this distinctive setup, showcasing the diverse strategies players employ in Apex Legends.

    Intriguing Control Settings Discussion by QuirkyBeginning8426

    QuirkyBeginning8426 sparks a discussion on control settings, highlighting the impact of personalized configurations on weapon choices. The conversation delves into how control preferences can influence players’ success with different loadouts in the game.

    Triple RE45 Strategy by GhostSquad_captain

    GhostSquad_captain shares a daring approach of running triple RE45, defying conventional loadout norms. The community reacts with both amusement and curiosity, showcasing the freedom players have in experimenting with unique weapon combinations.

    Ramping Up the Battle with Rampage by Steve_Thing

    Steve_Thing advocates for the Rampage along with R301 and RE45, emphasizing the synergy between the chosen weapons. The discussion highlights the importance of weapon compatibility and playstyle alignment in constructing an effective loadout.