Apex Legends: Who is the Best Team Support Legend?

Discover who truly shines as a team player in Apex Legends as Reddit users debate the best legend for supporting the team!

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are hotly debating on Reddit about which legend truly shines as the best team support in the game. From Lifeline to Vantage to Newcastle, opinions are divided on who helps the team the most.


  • Pathfinder stands out for providing team support with mobility and utility.
  • Conduit is praised for offering shields and aggression in gameplay.
  • Crypto and Alter are considered less favorable due to coordination challenges and lack of impact on solo queue performance.

Lifeline: The Ever-Reliable Medic

Many players vouch for Lifeline as a top-tier support legend in Apex Legends. With her healing abilities and supply drops, Lifeline ensures the team stays in the game longer during intense battles.

Pathfinder: The Mobility Maestro

Players appreciate Pathfinder for his mobility options, including ziplines for quick rotations and access to strategic locations. His utility in reaching beacons and consoles adds a tactical advantage to team compositions.

Conduit: The Shield Provider

Conduit receives praise for offering free shields that can be crucial in aggressive situations. Players commend her ability to support the team while also enabling aggressive gameplay.

When it comes to team support in Apex Legends, the choice of legend can make a significant difference in the outcome of a match. Players are passionate about advocating for their preferred legends, each with unique strengths and playstyles that cater to various team dynamics. The ongoing debate on Reddit showcases the diversity of opinions within the Apex Legends community, highlighting the complexity of team composition and strategy in the popular battle royale game.