Apex Legends: Why Console Players Prefer PC Lobbies

Discover why some console players find more enjoyment in PC lobbies in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why some console players prefer PC lobbies in Apex Legends? The community discusses the pros and cons of each platform’s gameplay experience.


  • Console players are divided in their preference of PC lobbies over console lobbies
  • PC lobbies are perceived to have more aggressive players
  • Aim assist and player base maturity are factors influencing platform preference

Console vs. PC Lobbies

Some console players find PC lobbies more enjoyable due to the higher skill ceiling and competitive atmosphere. The faster gameplay and aggressive tactics used by PC players create a distinct experience

Aim Assist and Skill

Console players often mention the advantage of aim assist when facing PC opponents. The difference in aim assist values between platforms can impact player performance

Player Base Maturity

Others attribute the appeal of PC lobbies to the maturity level of players. The perception is that the average age and behavior of PC players lead to more engaging matches