Apology and Reactions from C9 EMENES: A Dive into the League of Legends Community Sentiment

Professional League of Legends player's public apology sparks diverse reactions among fans and fellow gamers.

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Portal Staff

The world of eSports, particularly League of Legends, revolves not only around the games themselves but also the community that forms around them. Recently, controversy swirled after C9 EMENES, a professional player from the Cloud9 team, made inappropriate remarks during a game.


  • EMENES issued an apology first addressed to the fans, acknowledging the impact of his words during the gaming session and later publicly apologized to another player named Spear_shot.
  • The apology sparked diverse reactions from the community, with several significant responses adding layers to the discussion.
  • The comments section highlights varying sentiments, some supportive and others critical of EMENES’ actions.

Noteworthy Responses

Beyond the apology itself, several comments stood out, reflecting a broad spectrum of community sentiment. AtsumuG drew attention to Spica’s humorously supportive tweet while \1to0\ praised the worthiness of Spica’s tweets in line with prestigious competitions like the Worlds.

Critical Commentary

A fair share of criticism was leveled at EMENES. JealotGaming expressed skepticism about the prospect of EMENES changing for the better and EggyChickenEgg88 hinted at external coercion in forcing the apology. These comments reflect a level of mistrust towards PR-managed mea culpas from professional gamers.

Questioning Expectations

Interestingly, some users questioned the public’s expectations from such situations. therealapocalypse wondered what people would really expect from EMENES if not an apology, highlighting the nuanced debate around public accountability in esports.

Beyond the statistical inputs and skill rankings, this incident underscores the importance of communication and respect in gaming. The mishap, the apology, and the multitude of reactions stand as a testament to the evolving nature of esports – where player personality and community sentiment can significantly influence the game’s dynamics.