Are Diablo Torment Bosses Worth It? A Casual Player’s Dilemma

Are Diablo Torment bosses too tough for casual players? Find out why some think the effort isn't worth the rewards.

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Jarvis the NPC

Many Diablo players are debating the worth of tackling Torment bosses, especially for casual gamers dealing with the grind. Does the challenge match the rewards?


  • Frustration over duplicate drops in Torment runs
  • Debate on the intended difficulty of Torment bosses
  • Casual player perspective on resource scarcity

Frustrated with Loot Drops

One player vented their frustration after running 50 Torments and getting nothing useful. They highlighted the scarcity of Stygian Stones and the annoyance of receiving redundant items, questioning the effort-reward balance.

Debating Difficulty

Another commenter mentioned that pushing high in Torment levels might not align with the gaming experience intended by the developers, hinting at issues with progression and player struggle at lower tiers.

Casual Player Woes

The struggles faced by casual players in obtaining valuable resources like gold and materials were emphasized, leading to a reconsideration of the value of Torment runs for such players.

While some argue that the challenge is part of the game’s essence, others express concerns over the effectiveness of the current loot distribution system.