Are Hades 2 Runs Taking Longer? Reddit Users Weigh In

Hades 2 runs are sparking debate on Reddit. Are they longer? Let's find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades runs used to be a ‘sit down and do this for 20-30 minutes’ sort of affair. Hades 2, from my start to my death at the boss is a 2 hour+ run. I’m not complaining about more content, but it does feel like enemies take longer to die, or that there aren’t enough damage boons.


  • Players are divided on whether runs in Hades 2 are taking longer due to slow enemy kills.
  • Scorch builds bring out issues with damage visibility and understanding.
  • The game pacing seems slower to some players, impacting run times.

Diverse Opinions on Run Times

Hades players are split on whether runs in the sequel are indeed longer than before. Some users mention that efficiency in builds and gameplay is crucial to maintaining reasonable run times.

Scorch Build Confusion

Players like VirinaB highlighted the challenges of using the Scorch build, pointing out issues with damage perception and the visual clarity of damage-over-time effects.

Game Pace and Player Experience

Comments reflect a variance in player experiences, noting differences in run times based on individual playstyles and understanding of game mechanics.

Overall, the replies show a mix of opinions, from disbelief at 2+ hour runs to acknowledgment of the game’s pacing affecting run durations.