Are Triple Screens Worth It for Sim Racing? | A Gamer’s Dilemma

Discover the community's verdict on the triple screen setup for sim racing. Is it worth it, or is there a better alternative?

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing enthusiasts are buzzing about the value of triple screens. Are they truly a game-changer, or just a hassle? Let’s dive into the discussion!


  • Triple screens offer an immersive experience but come with setup challenges.
  • Users divided on the necessity based on game compatibility.
  • Space constraints and personal preferences play a significant role.

Positives of Triple Screens

For some, the added visibility from triple screens is a game-changer, enhancing the driving experience and improving performance by miles.

Negatives of Triple Screens

However, not everyone is sold on the idea. The setup can be tedious, requiring precise alignment, and some games don’t fully support the setup, leading to visual distortions.

Space Constraints and Alternatives

While some swear by triple screens, others opt for ultrawide monitors or VR setups to achieve a balance between immersion and convenience, influenced by individual space limitations.

Despite the raging debate, one thing is clear—sim racers are passionate about their setups and are always on the lookout for the best way to enhance their racing experience.