Axrora: The Best Wand, Staff & Spells for Wizards in Enshrouded

Discover the best wand, staff, and spells for wizards in Enshrouded as Axrora shares their personal recommendations.

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Axrora’s latest video dives into the world of Enshrouded to uncover the best wand, staff, and spells for wizards. In their quest to find the most powerful equipment, Axrora ventured to the Sun Temple in the Southeast corner of the map, facing level 30 enemies. While these choices are subjective, Axrora provides valuable insights based on the items they discovered in the game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Hul Glimmer staff and Chain Lightning staff charge combination did not perform well in terms of damage and efficiency.
  • The Mirage staff and Shroud Meteor staff charge combination showed potential but had difficulty hitting targets accurately.
  • The Shroud Weaver staff and Eternal Fireball staff charge combination proved to be a versatile and powerful choice for dealing with both groups and individual enemies.
  • The Shroud Weaver staff and Eternal Acid Bite staff charge combination emerged as the top recommendation, providing exceptional damage and the ability to defeat even bosses.

Hul Glimmer Staff and Chain Lightning Staff Charge

Axrora found that the Hul Glimmer staff and Chain Lightning staff charge combination was the least effective. While the quick cast time and ability to hit multiple enemies were advantages, the staff charges required frequent crafting and did not deliver sufficient damage. Axrora felt that the time-to-kill was too long and the overall power level was lacking compared to other options.

Mirage Staff and Shroud Meteor Staff Charge

The Mirage staff and Shroud Meteor staff charge combination showed promise, particularly in dealing with groups of weaker enemies. However, Axrora encountered difficulties with accuracy, as the Shroud Meteor sometimes failed to hit the intended target. Additionally, the lack of an eternal version of the staff charge meant constant crafting. Despite its high damage potential, Axrora believes there are better options available.

Shroud Weaver Staff and Eternal Fireball Staff Charge

Axrora highly recommends the Shroud Weaver staff and Eternal Fireball staff charge combination. This versatile setup offers impressive damage against both lower and higher level enemies. The quick cast time and extended range make it effective for clearing groups of enemies, while the chain damage from the Eternal Fireball staff charge provides additional utility. Axrora found this combination to be reliable and powerful, making it one of their top choices.

Shroud Weaver Staff and Eternal Acid Bite Staff Charge

The ultimate recommendation from Axrora is the Shroud Weaver staff and Eternal Acid Bite staff charge combination. This pairing offers unparalleled damage, capable of defeating most enemies in a single hit, including some bosses. While the staff charge has limited range, it excels in close-quarters combat. Axrora cautions that this combination may not work in all situations due to the need for equal elevation with the target, but when executed correctly, it is incredibly potent. The Eternal Acid Bite staff charge can be crafted at The Alchemist and is a must-have for any wizard in Enshrouded.