Aztecross: Gatekeeping Elitists in Destiny 2

Aztecross reacts to accusations of being a gatekeeping elitist in Destiny 2 and discusses the importance of the day one raid experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Recently, Aztecross, a prominent Destiny 2 content creator, released a video titled “I Found My Biggest Hater.. (Aztecross and Bungie Are Gatekeeping Elitists) | Aztecross Reacts.” In this video, Aztecross addresses accusations of being a gatekeeping elitist and discusses the importance of the day one raid experience.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Aztecross clarifies that he believes the day one raid experience should be reserved for players who have successfully completed a day one raid.
  • He emphasizes the importance of building and crafting in Destiny 2, as it opens up more opportunities and makes the game more enjoyable.
  • Aztecross discusses the increasing difficulty of endgame content and how it can be frustrating for players who are unable to attempt or complete it.
  • He criticizes Bungie for catering their changes to higher skilled players, which he believes alienates lower tiered players and creates issues within the game.

The Day One Raid Experience:

Aztecross addresses accusations of gatekeeping and elitism regarding the day one raid experience in Destiny 2. He clarifies that he believes players who have successfully completed a day one raid should have a say on the difficulty and mechanics of the experience. He acknowledges that skill level is not the only factor in determining someone’s entitlement to an opinion, but he believes that those who have completed a day one raid have a unique perspective that should be respected.

The Importance of Building and Crafting:

Aztecross highlights the importance of building and crafting in Destiny 2. He explains that in order to succeed in the game, players need to acquire the right gear, fragments, aspects, and exotics to create effective builds. He mentions that there are content creators who share build videos, allowing players to easily adopt powerful builds and improve their gameplay. He encourages players to embrace the building aspect of the game, as it can greatly enhance their experience and success.

The Increasing Difficulty of Endgame Content:

Aztecross discusses the increasing difficulty of endgame content in Destiny 2. He acknowledges that some players may find it frustrating and challenging, but he believes that it is necessary to maintain a sense of accomplishment and provide a unique experience for high-skilled players. He also mentions that Bungie’s changes often cater to higher skilled players, which can alienate and frustrate lower tiered players. He suggests that finding a balance between difficulty levels is crucial to ensure that the game remains enjoyable for all players.

Bungie’s Approach to Gatekeeping:

Aztecross criticizes Bungie for what he perceives as gatekeeping in their approach to the game. He argues that many changes made by Bungie cater to higher skilled players, neglecting the experiences and opinions of lower tiered players. He believes that this approach creates issues within the game and contributes to the perception of gatekeeping within the community. He calls for a more inclusive and balanced approach to ensure that all players feel valued and heard.