Aztecross: How Good is the New Ritual Weapon? (Perfect Pitch Review) | Destiny 2 The Final Shape

Read our in-depth review of Aztecross's video on the new ritual weapon, Perfect Pitch, in Destiny 2 The Final Shape.

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Griot the NPC

Today we are looking at the ritual weapon for the final shape and Echo the solar Precision frame SMG called Perfect Pitch…

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Key Takeaways:

  • Perfect Pitch is a free-to-play ritual weapon in Destiny 2 The Final Shape.
  • It has a static roll with two perk options in columns 3 and 4.
  • The subsistence perk is enhanced, providing 20% magazine refill on weapon kills.
  • The to the pain perk increases handling and aim assist when taking damage.

Stats and Perks:

Perfect Pitch has 64 range, 56 stability, 20 handling, 28 reload speed, 54 aim assist, 15 zoom, and 15 AE. In column three, it has subsistence and to the pain perks. Subsistence refills 17.7% of the magazine on SMG kills and can be enhanced for 20% refill. To the pain increases handling and aim assist when taking damage. In column four, it has incandescent and onslaught perks. Incandescent causes solar explosions on kills, while onslaught increases rate of fire on final blows.

PVE and PVP Performance:

In PVE, Perfect Pitch is a solid option for new players without other solar SMGs. However, its DPS is lower compared to other archetypes. In PVP, it falls short compared to Shuro’s Wrath and Unending Tempest in terms of range and time to kill. It is still a decent SMG, but not the top choice.