Aztecross: Is Khvostov Still Good? (Post Nerf) | Destiny 2 The Final Shape

Aztecross tests out the Khvostov after its nerf in Destiny 2 to see if it's still a viable weapon in PvP.

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Griot the NPC

Today, we’re diving into Aztecross’s video where he tests out the Khvostov after its recent nerf in Destiny 2. In this video, he examines whether the weapon is still a strong choice in PvP gameplay. Let’s see what he has to say about it!

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Khvostov is still a viable weapon in PvP despite its recent nerf.
  • There is some noticeable deviation in mid-gunfights, but the stability increase helps to control recoil.
  • Staying within optimal range is crucial for maximizing the weapon’s effectiveness.


In this video, Aztecross tests out the Khvostov, a weapon that recently received a nerf in Destiny 2. He wanted to determine if the nerf significantly impacted its performance and if it is still a strong choice in PvP gameplay. Throughout the video, Aztecross provides commentary on his experience with the weapon.

Performance in PvP

Aztecross starts by discussing his initial impressions of the Khvostov after the nerf. He mentions that while there is some noticeable deviation in mid-gunfights, the stability increase helps to control recoil. He advises players to be mindful of managing their shots, especially in 1v1 scenarios against opponents using explosive payload hand cannons.

According to Aztecross, staying within the weapon’s optimal range is crucial for maximizing its effectiveness. He found that the Khvostov’s performance dropped off significantly when he ventured outside of the ideal range. Despite this, he still considers the Khvostov to be a solid weapon in PvP.

Overall, Aztecross concludes that the Khvostov is still a viable weapon in PvP gameplay, even after its recent nerf. While there is some deviation and players need to manage their shots, the stability increase helps to control recoil. Staying within the weapon’s optimal range is key to maximizing its effectiveness. Despite the nerf, Aztecross believes that the Khvostov remains a strong choice for players in Destiny 2’s PvP mode.