Aztecross: The Future of Destiny 2’s Yearly Expansions

Will Destiny 2 continue to receive yearly expansions? Aztecross explores the departure of key figures and the potential impact on the game's future.

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Griot the NPC

Aztecross discusses the recent departure of Katarina, the Project Lead for Destiny 2, and the implications it has on the game’s future. He highlights the importance of annual expansions and the uncertainty surrounding their continuation. While there are rumors of Destiny 3 and a possible switch to an episode-only model, Aztecross remains skeptical and emphasizes the significance of expansions in generating revenue and retaining players. He also expresses concern over the departure of other key figures and urges Bungie to provide more clarity on their plans. The upcoming reveal of Destiny Frontiers in August will likely shed more light on the game’s direction.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Katarina, the Project Lead for Destiny 2, has announced her departure from Bungie, raising questions about the future of annual expansions.
  • Bungie has previously hinted at a new arc called Destiny Frontiers, but it is unclear if it will involve expansions or a shift to an episode-only model.
  • The revenue generated from expansions is crucial for Bungie, and a switch to an episode-only model could impact content production and player engagement.
  • The departures of key figures like Katarina and Joe Blackburn are concerning, but the return of DMG and ongoing updates to Destiny provide some hope.

The Uncertain Future of Annual Expansions

Aztecross delves into the uncertainty surrounding the future of Destiny 2’s annual expansions in the wake of Katarina’s departure. He acknowledges the importance of these expansions in driving revenue and retaining players, as they offer significant content and narrative experiences. While there are rumors of a possible switch to an episode-only model, Aztecross expresses skepticism, noting that the current episodic content has yet to fully deliver on its potential.

The Significance of Expansions

Aztecross emphasizes the significance of annual expansions in the Destiny franchise. He highlights the revenue generated from expansions and the impact they have on player engagement. While microtransactions and seasonal content contribute to revenue, expansions remain the primary drivers of both revenue and player retention. Aztecross argues that committing to a seasonal model alone would not be successful for Destiny and that the game needs the big narrative-driving forces that expansions provide.

Concerns Over Key Departures

Aztecross expresses concern over the departure of key figures like Katarina and Joe Blackburn. He acknowledges their contributions to the success of the final expansion, The Witch Queen, and highlights their deep understanding of the game and its community. Aztecross believes that losing such talented individuals is concerning and urges Bungie to prioritize retaining key figures who have proven themselves capable of delivering high-quality content.

Looking Ahead to Destiny Frontiers

Aztecross looks forward to the upcoming reveal of Destiny Frontiers in August. He believes this will provide more clarity on the game’s direction and whether annual expansions will continue. Aztecross remains hopeful that Destiny 2 will receive more episode content next year, but he doubts that Bungie can turn around a full-scale expansion by June 2023. He also speculates about the potential launch of Destiny 3 on the next console generation, noting that there are many other games that could serve as flagship titles for the new consoles.