Aztecross: Touch of Malice vs Polaris Lance (Build Battles Episode 12) | Destiny 2

In this episode of Build Battles, Aztecross compares the Touch of Malice and Polaris Lance builds in Destiny 2.

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Griot the NPC

Build Battles is a series on Aztecross’s YouTube channel where viewers submit their builds to go head-to-head in PvP or PvE scenarios. The featured build in this episode includes the Ey of Another World helmet with the Cerebral Uplink perk, which highlights priority targets and improves grenade, melee, and Rift abilities. The build also utilizes the Wanderer’s Tangle aspect, Mindspun Infication fragment, and the exotic weapon Touch of Malice. However, Aztecross admits that he does not have the exotic catalyst for the weapon. He tests the build in various activities to see how it performs.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Aztecross compares the Touch of Malice and Polaris Lance builds in Destiny 2
  • The featured build includes the Ey of Another World helmet with the Cerebral Uplink perk
  • Touch of Malice is used as the primary exotic weapon in the build
  • Aztecross finds Polaris Lance to be more effective and recommends it over Touch of Malice

Touch of Malice Build:

Aztecross tests the Touch of Malice build in various activities, including a Grandmaster Nightfall. He demonstrates the build’s potential for high damage output but notes its vulnerability to retaliation shots. Despite the risks, Aztecross manages to stay alive by avoiding damage. However, he ultimately gets disconnected from the game, leading to his defeat.

Polaris Lance Build:

Aztecross then switches to the Polaris Lance build and finds it to be more efficient and reliable. The Polaris Lance’s perks, such as self-proc Radiant and ignition damage, make it a powerful weapon in PvE scenarios. Aztecross joins a team in a GM Nightfall and showcases the build’s effectiveness in dealing with enemies and completing objectives. The Polaris Lance build receives a higher percentage of votes in a poll, indicating that viewers prefer it over the Touch of Malice build.