Aztecross: Will The First Descendant be Any Good? (Drops TOMORROW!)

Aztecross discusses his concerns and observations about the upcoming game The First Descendant in his latest video.

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Griot the NPC

Aztecross’s latest video dives into his thoughts on The First Descendant, a game that combines elements of Destiny and Warframe. He discusses his concerns about the game’s staying power and the potential imbalance between base and ultimate descendants. Aztecross also takes a look at the gameplay footage and analyzes the module system and the grind involved in the game. He questions whether the game will have a challenging endgame and compares it to the pinnacle activities in Destiny. Overall, Aztecross is intrigued by the gameplay mechanics and the potential for unique builds, but remains cautious about the game’s long-term appeal.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Aztecross is cautious about the staying power of The First Descendant, given its troubled development history.
  • He questions the balance between base and ultimate descendants and whether there is a reason to use base descendants.
  • Aztecross analyzes the gameplay footage and discusses the module system and grind involved in the game.
  • He wonders if the game will have a challenging endgame comparable to Destiny’s raids.

Game Analysis:

Aztecross highlights his concerns about The First Descendant and its potential as a looter shooter game. He mentions that the game had a troubled development history, with a beta that was not well received. However, the beta improved over time, raising hopes for the final release. Aztecross questions the balance between base and ultimate descendants, as he sees little reason to use base descendants if ultimate descendants are available. He also expresses his reservations about the module system and the grind involved in the game.

Endgame Challenges:

Aztecross discusses the importance of a challenging endgame in looter shooter games. He mentions Destiny’s raids as the pinnacle activities that keep players engaged and wonders if The First Descendant will have a comparable endgame experience. He notes that the game features regular dungeons and modifiers for increased difficulty and rewards, but questions whether there will be something equivalent to raids in the game. Aztecross emphasizes the importance of challenging content to keep players invested in their builds and progression.