Balancing AFK Issues and Bots in Valorant Console Beta – A Community Discussion

Valorant players on console face AFK and disconnect problems while suggesting solutions like free buys and bots.

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Valorant players on console are facing issues with AFK players and disconnects, disrupting their gameplay experiences. A Reddit user, TheMedicSupport, shared their frustration after encountering multiple AFK individuals during unranked matches.


  • Players express frustration over the impact of AFK and disconnects on matches.
  • Suggestions include implementing free buys and introducing bots to balance uneven teams.
  • Community members reminisce about past features like remake/FF options.

Player Frustrations

TheMedicSupport highlighted the challenges of dealing with AFK and disconnects, noting how even a couple of disconnected players could ruin the entire match.

Possible Solutions

Sarollas proposed rewarding players with ult orbs and credits for each missing teammate to address the imbalance caused by disconnects.

Community Sentiments

Prime-Riptide humorously welcomed TheMedicSupport to the world of Valorant AFK, hinting at the prevalence of such issues in the game.

Feature Requests

Kozerog1101 mentioned the removal of the remake/FF option due to bugs and speculated about its potential return in upcoming patches.

Valorant players are actively discussing ways to tackle AFK problems and enhance the overall gameplay experience on console, emphasizing the need for effective solutions to maintain fair and enjoyable matches.