Baldur’s Gate 3: Characters Fans Wish Had More Screen Time

Fans discuss the characters in Baldur's Gate 3 they wish had more development and screen time.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a massive game filled with a diverse cast of characters that players love and want to see more of. Reddit users were recently discussing…


  • Fans want more development for characters like Sarevok, Qudenos the dragon, and many others who they felt deserved more screen time.
  • Players appreciate the depth of secondary villains like Ethel and Raphael and wished for the same treatment for other characters.
  • Several characters, such as Nadira and Arabella, left fans curious about their fates and wished for further exploration of their stories.

Sarevok Deserved More

Sarevok was mentioned by many players as a character they wanted to see more of in Baldur’s Gate 3. His intimidating presence and importance to the Bhaalist plot intrigued fans, but his limited appearance left them wanting more. Users expressed disappointment…

The Dragons’ Tale

Qudenos, the dragon, also caught the attention of players who desired to know more about his ability to transform into a humanoid. Fans found the lack of information regarding this character…

Nadira and Arabella’s Fate

Other characters like Nadira and Arabella left fans curious about what happened to them after certain events in the game. Players felt connected to these characters and wished for more scenes…

Discussing characters that left a lasting impact on players, Baldur’s Gate 3’s diverse cast continues to spark conversations among fans. The desire for more depth and exploration into these characters showcases the passion players have for the game’s world and narrative.