Baldur’s Gate 3: Is It Taking Over Lives? Gamers Share Their Addiction

Gamers confess their immense playtime in BG3 with some fearing the game may be taking over their lives!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 has entrapped players with hundreds of hours played, leaving them questioning if it’s more than just a game.


  • Players find themselves sinking countless hours into BG3, with some expressing concern over its impact on their lives.
  • The immersive narrative and addictive gameplay keep gamers hooked, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.
  • Some players have transitioned from casual gaming to full-blown enthusiasts, raising questions about balance and priorities.
  • Despite potential drawbacks, the community remains passionate about their BG3 experiences and the rich world it offers.
  • Reveling in the Immersive World

    Baldur’s Gate 3 has managed to ensnare players in its intricate narrative, offering a blend of engaging combat and immersive roleplay that keeps them coming back for more. Many users on the subreddit share their experiences of sinking hundreds of hours into the game, often to the detriment of other aspects of their lives.

    The Perils of Addiction

    While the addictive nature of the game cannot be denied, players find themselves grappling with the fine line between enjoyment and obsession. The dopamine-inducing gameplay coupled with the lack of microtransactions creates a potent cocktail that keeps players glued to their screens for hours on end.

    Balancing Act

    Some users acknowledge the impact of their BG3 obsession on their personal and professional lives. Balancing game time with real-world responsibilities becomes a challenge, prompting introspection on the addictive allure of the game.

    The allure of Baldur’s Gate 3 may be undeniable, but at what cost? As players continue to dive deeper into the realms of the game, the boundaries between fantasy and reality blur, raising questions about the true extent of their immersion. Despite the potential pitfalls, the captivating world of BG3 remains a beacon for gamers seeking adventure and escapism in equal measure.