Baldur’s Gate 3: Lack of Companions Reactions in Act 3 Sucks

Players express frustration over the lack of reactions from companions in Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate fans are venting about the lack of reactions from companions in Act 3. The author shares disappointment in the lack of responses to significant decisions made during gameplay.


  • Players are disappointed by the lack of immersion due to companions’ minimal reactions in critical moments.
  • The absence of interactions after significant choices diminishes the impact of player decisions.
  • Some players feel that the lack of responses breaks the emotional connection with the characters.

Frustration Over Companions’ Reactions

Players express frustration over the lack of emotional responses from companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 3. The original poster highlights how key decisions that should evoke reactions from companions are met with indifference…

Immersion Break with Companion Reactions

Reddit user Palumtra echoes the sentiment, emphasizing how the lack of genuine reactions from companions during pivotal moments disrupts the immersion of the game. Characters behaving as if monumental choices are trivial…

Indifference and Lack of Impact

User Lady_Croft5245 shares instances where companions’ indifference to significant player decisions detracts from the overall experience. The lack of acknowledgment for drastic events leads to a disconnect…

I did some particularly deplorable things to no reaction in one of my durge runs and was pretty bummed.

Players highlight how the lack of reactions to transformative events such as becoming part illithid breaks immersion and feels unrealistic. The absence of authentic responses diminishes the emotional impact…