Baldur’s Gate 3: Monastery Musings and Mischief

Exploring the Monastery in Baldur's Gate 3 reveals hilarious exploits and clever tactics to outsmart foes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wandered into the Monastery of Baldur’s Gate and found yourself in a sticky situation? Well, let’s dive into the shenanigans our fellow players have discovered!


  • Discover clever ways to outmaneuver foes in the Monastery.
  • Players showcase resourcefulness by finding alternative solutions to puzzles.
  • Humor and creativity shine as players tackle encounters in unconventional ways.

Mischievous Monastery Moments

One player shared the hilarious realization that a Guardian of Faith couldn’t move, prompting a clever escape instead of a confrontation. Other users chimed in with additional tips and tricks, such as using Mage Hand or alternative weapons to bypass challenges.

Creative Escapes and Solutions

From dragging items out of range to cleverly using spells and environmental objects, the community showcases ingenuity in problem-solving. Whether it’s avoiding aggro or finding shortcuts, players demonstrate a mix of strategic thinking and comedic relief in their gameplay approaches.

Unconventional Strategies Unleashed

Players recount their experiences of breaking walls, picking locks, and even having NPCs assist in overcoming obstacles within the Monastery. The blend of wit and inventiveness adds a layer of fun and unpredictability to the gameplay.