Baldur’s Gate 3: Should Companions Form Romances? Fans Are Divided!

Fans debate if companions should form romances in Baldur's Gate 3. Some yearn for love, while others fear drama!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 has sparked a heated discussion about the possibility of companions forming romances in the game. LordWayland proposed an intriguing idea in a Reddit post, suggesting that leaving companions in camp could lead to potential romances between them. The concept of Karlach and Lae’zel or Gale and Astarion getting together intrigued the community.


  • Some fans welcome the idea of companion romances, craving more interactive storytelling.
  • Others express concerns about potential bugs and conflicts that could arise from intra-companion relationships.
  • The debate also touches on the desire for enhanced camp interactions beyond romantic entanglements.

Community Reaction

Fans are split on the concept of companions forming romances in Baldur’s Gate 3. Some see it as an opportunity for deeper character development and narrative complexity, while others fear potential drama and conflicts arising from forced pairings.

Positive Perspectives

“I’d love for more implied epilogue shenanigans like Wyll and Karlach get if they go to Avernus without you,” shared user Accomplished_Area311. The community appreciates the idea of companion dynamics evolving beyond the protagonist’s actions.

Negative Sentiments

Reddit user Woutrou expressed skepticism, stating, “I don’t want to live with the drama that would come out of this because people feel like their ship isn’t canon.” Concerns about player preferences conflicting with potential in-game pairings are prevalent.

Only time will tell whether Larian Studios, the developers of Baldur’s Gate 3, choose to integrate companion romances into the game. As fans continue to voice their opinions and desires, the discussion around potential relationships among NPCs remains a divisive topic within the community.