Baldur’s Gate 3: Should Minsc Arrive Sooner?

Fans discuss if Minsc should have made an earlier appearance in Baldur's Gate 3.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 fans debate whether Minsc should have been introduced earlier in the game, sparking mixed reactions among players.


  • Players divided on Minsc’s late entry despite story reasoning
  • Desire for more Minsc interactions alongside new and old characters
  • Speculation on initial plans for Minsc’s introduction

Diverse Opinions

Some players feel Minsc’s late arrival added excitement, linking to previous series characters for loyal fans. Others express a wish for more Minsc screen time, deviating from the new focus.

Missed Opportunities

Comparisons to other games highlight the impact of delayed character introductions on player engagement, urging for the earlier inclusion of beloved characters like Minsc.

Game Design Musings

Discussions delve into datamined content suggesting original plans for Minsc’s entry, touching on potential party composition improvements and game length balancing.

The Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit buzzes with chatter regarding the timing of Minsc’s appearance and its impact on gameplay and storytelling.