Baldur’s Gate 3: The Obsession is Real – A Deep Dive into Fans’ Love

Dive into the intense love and obsession fans have for Baldur's Gate 3. From tattoos to fan fiction, they're all in!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 has captured the hearts of players, plunging them into a world of adventure and obsession. LunaBanoona22 shares their love for the game, immersed in their second playthrough, crafting characters, and basking in the richness of the experience. The community echoes this deep affection in various ways, as seen in the subreddit post and comments.


  • Players are not just mildly obsessed but deeply engrossed in Baldur’s Gate 3.
  • The game has become a primary focus, leading to neglect of other titles.
  • Fans show dedication through fan fiction, tattoos, multiple game copies, and more.
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 offers a rich and immersive experience that resonates with players on a profound level.


With nearly 850 hours invested, one player shows dedication with a unique character duo run.


Expressing frustration over delayed merchandise delivery reflects the strong emotional attachment players have to the game.


Detailing how Baldur’s Gate 3 takes precedence over other games highlights the game’s captivating nature.


From fanfiction to tattoos, this player’s deep involvement in the game showcases the profound impact it has had on their life.

Riven remake. Ignored until I found out they redid the puzzles as well as making it 3D. Bought it but have no idea when I will play it because BG3 is taking up all my time.