Baldur’s Gate 3: To Mod or Not to Mod, That is the Question!

Should you adventure in Baldur's Gate 3 with or without mods? Dive into the debate!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are split on the age-old gaming question—mods or no mods? Let’s explore Reddit’s thoughts on this divisive topic!


  • Players are divided between those who prefer unmodded gameplay for simplicity and those who enjoy the customization and enhancements that mods offer.
  • Mod aficionados appreciate features like transmogrification, while some find managing mods to be a hassle.
  • Console players eagerly await mod support, while others fear game crashes and alterations to the original aesthetic.

Embracing the Vanilla Experience

Some players, like Ava-Enithesi, stick to unmodded gameplay due to technological challenges, finding modding to be a frustrating endeavor despite the allure of enhancements. They value simplicity over customization.

The Allure of Mods

On the other hand, Amagciannamedgob sings the praises of mods, particularly for transmogrification that allows for a stylish yet efficient playthrough. The appeal lies in personalizing the gaming experience.

Fears and Hesitations

SeparateMongoose192 admits to a fear of mods potentially destabilizing their game experience, a sentiment shared by many cautious players who worry about crashes and alterations to the game’s core experience.

Whether one prefers the purity of vanilla Baldur’s Gate 3 or the endless possibilities mods provide, the key lies in enhancing one’s gaming experience to suit personal preferences. Each playstyle, modded or unmodded, offers a unique adventure through the realms of Baldur’s Gate 3.