Baldur’s Gate: Choosing a Thematically Appropriate Class for Shadowheart

Exploring Shadowheart's class beyond the traditional Cleric route in Baldur's Gate.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to Baldur’s Gate character Shadowheart, players on the subreddit have been discussing alternatives to the traditional Cleric class for her. User Toogeloo is seeking suggestions for a thematically appropriate non-Cleric class to play as their main character in an Origin Shadowheart run.


  • Shadowheart’s character lore and story elements suggest potential class alternatives.
  • Players suggest classes like Paladin, Rogue, Monk, and Druid for thematic alignment.
  • Some users prefer multiclass options for Shadowheart to enhance her gameplay versatility.
  • Considerations for thematic consistency and gameplay mechanics influence class choices for Shadowheart.

Paladin – A Divine Warrior

Some players lean towards Paladin as a fitting choice for Shadowheart, citing lore connections and thematic resonance with her character’s background.

Rogue – Embracing the Shadows

The Rogue class offers a stealthy and cunning playstyle that aligns well with Shadowheart’s mysterious and shadow-infused persona.

Monk – Channeling Inner Strength

Monk class provides a balance of martial prowess and spiritual discipline, reflecting aspects of Shadowheart’s journey and beliefs.

Druid – Nature’s Guardianship

While less common, some players suggest Druid for Shadowheart, emphasizing a deep connection to nature and its mystical forces.

In the realm of Baldur’s Gate, the choice of class for a character like Shadowheart goes beyond mere gameplay mechanics. It delves into the essence of her story, beliefs, and the role she plays in the larger narrative. Players’ considerations of different classes showcase their appreciation for crafting a cohesive and engaging experience tailored to the character’s thematic depth and personal preferences.