Baldur’s Gate – Tav, Real Name, or Original Name? What’s Your Pick?

Are you team Tav, original name, or something entirely different in Baldur's Gate?

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Jarvis the NPC

Choosing a name for your character in Baldur’s Gate is a key decision that players often debate over. Whether sticking with the default Tav, opting for a real name, or getting creative, the choices are endless.


  • Players showcase creativity in naming their characters based on diverse inspirations.
  • Some players prefer thematic or pun-based names for added immersion.
  • Others utilize name generators for race-specific choices.

Creative Choices

One player shared, “Every Tav I make gets a different name,” highlighting their penchant for variety and uniqueness in character names.

Inspirational Names

Another player chose the name Ariana Pequeño for their female gnome bard, infusing cultural flair into the character’s identity.

Diverse Origins

Players draw inspiration from historical references, such as the Roman Triarii unit, to craft memorable characters like a drunken boxing kung fu master half-elf monk.

The Name Game

From Storm Sorcery blue dragonborns to Welsh and Irish names, the Reddit community showcases a diverse array of naming conventions in Baldur’s Gate.